Title: Celebrating National Postal Workers Day Speaker(s): David Yoder Length: 1 minute, 4 seconds Visual: Text on screen: proudly celebrating national postal worker day. The Blue Cross, Blue Shield, federal employee program logos. Thank you, USPS employees. Visual: David Yoder sits in a room with furniture, curtains and a potted plant behind him. David Yoder: Hi, I'm David Yoder, Senior Vice President, Federal Employee Program, for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. This National Postal Worker Day, FEP would like to show our gratitude to all USPS employees. We know there's a lot that goes into delivering our nation's mail. Visual: A USPS worker processes mail envelopes and sorts them into a row. Other employees work on computers in a room full of packages. Three more employees sit in a conference room as they talk. David Yoder: So whether you're helping process over 420 million pieces of mail each day, diligently keeping our mail and over 31,000 postal facilities safe and secure, focusing on the health and well-being of postal employees, working hard behind the scenes to keep the postal fleet of vehicles at the ready, Visual: A worker in high-visibility clothing loads packages into a truck and a mailman walks through a green neighborhood to deliver the mail into a mailbox. David Yoder: or delivering mail to every address in the US and its territories, we're proud to be with you. It's our privilege to deliver the coverage you and your family deserve and support you every step of the way. Thank you. End Credits: Text on screen: Thank you USPS employees. National Postal Worker Day. July 1st, fepblue.org/USPS