Six Things That Raise Your Blood Pressure

Keeping your blood pressure under control can often mean adding things to your life to help you lower it, such as exercise and medication. But it can also mean staying away from things that could raise it. Here are six things to avoid that raise your blood pressure.
- Salt – The American Heart Association recommends 1500 mg of sodium or less a day.
- Decongestants – Many over-the-counter cold and flu medications contain decongestants, and while these may help your stuffy nose, they may raise your blood pressure.
- Alcohol – Men should drink no more than two alcoholic drinks per day and women no more than one.
- Hot tubs and saunas – Moving back and forth between cold water and hot tubs or saunas is not good for people with high blood pressure as this may cause an increase in blood pressure.
- Weight gain – Losing as little as 10 pounds can greatly benefit your health.*
- Sitting – If you sit for most the day, add a few minutes of light activity, which can lower blood pressure in those with Type 2 diabetes. If you want help managing your diabetes healthcare decisions, consider enrolling in our Diabetes Management Incentive Program.
If your doctor says that you have high blood pressure or hypertension, take the BHA and answer “yes” to the question asking if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. You then may be eligible to receive a blood pressure monitor at no out-of-pocket cost to you. Learn more about the Hypertension Management Program.
*Please consult your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program.
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