Prep for a stress-free holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, you may feel your stress levels creeping up. Don’t let stress get the best of you. Instead, use this time to prepare yourself for a happy and healthy holiday season.
Worry less with a long weekend
Just because the holidays are around the corner doesn't mean there's no time for a vacation right now. Take a long weekend for some quality you-time and enjoy your favorite fall activities. Whether it’s a staycation at home or a long family-filled weekend, focus on having some seasonal fun this month.
Focus on emotional wellness
Your emotional health is just as important as your physical health. The upcoming holiday season can add a lot of stress to our regular lives. Take a moment to monitor your level of stress and find ways to alleviate it—try these five easy steps. Keeping calm and centered before it begins can help arm you against this.
A little peace & quiet goes a long way
Make room to enjoy a little time to yourself. According to a leading nutritional biochemist, “it’s better to prevent or to deflect stress than deal with it.” For example, if you’re working full-time and taking care of your family after-hours, there are simple solutions. You can plan meals ahead of time. Or delegate tasks to others to give yourself ten guilt-free minutes of relaxation. This can help you recharge before the big push of the holiday season.