A New Spin on New Year’s Resolutions

It happens every year like clockwork. We take a look back at the previous twelve months and think of resolutions to make the next twelve better. But how often do we actually stick to our New Year’s resolutions? No matter if you’re a long-time member of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan or 2019 is your first year with us, here are some tips and tools to help you reach your health and wellness goals. Always talk to your doctor before you start a new exercise routine.
Be realistic
The more specific you are, the better. Don’t just say you want to lose weight—commit to losing 10 pounds. If you want to get more active, don’t start training for a marathon right off the bat, pledge to jog or walk a few times a week. Less ambiguous goals give you something concrete to work toward.
Start small
Drastic changes to your normal routine aren’t the best way to start. But knowing what you need to work on can be a good first step. Take the Blue Health Assessment (BHA) to get a personalized action plan. It can help you address any health issues before they become problems.
Get support
Family and friends can be a great support system. If they know about your goals, they can encourage you throughout the year. If you need an extra push, the Online Health Coach (OHC) can help. A combination of guidance, support and resources, it can help you set and manage your goals, track your progress and pursue realistic activities related to your goals.
Try something different
If you didn’t stick to a previous resolution, don’t make the same one again this year. A new approach is more likely to help you see results. Deciding to change a behavior is key, and something that will continue to help beyond this year.
Reward yourself
It’s not easy working on your resolutions. That’s why we offer different ways to earn incentives when you take an active role in your health. Standard and Basic Option members* may earn $50 for taking the BHA, and up to an additional $120 for completing three eligible OHC goals. And if you’re an FEP Blue Focus member*, you may earn a reward for getting your annual checkup.
*You must be the contract holder or spouse, 18 or older, on your Plan to earn incentive rewards.