Keep Your Skin Healthy In and Out of the Water

From sunburns to bug bites, most of us already know that summer can be harsh on our skin. But what many often don’t consider is what summer swimming can do to it. Here are four ways to keep your skin healthy and still enjoy your favorite water activities.
1. Don’t skip the sunscreen
Even if you generously apply sunscreen before you jump into the water, you’re not completely protected from the sun’s rays. The moisture on your skin can actually draw in more sun. The sun is also twice as strong in the water. This all adds up to more risk for sunburns, so remember to apply sunscreen often. Waterproof versions actually do stay on in the water and provide optimal protection while swimming.
2. Take care in chlorine
Essential for killing bacteria and viruses in pools, chlorine can dry your skin out considerably. So, it’s important to maintain a deep moisturizing routine if you swim a lot. This will allow the skin to build up moisture and remain elastic and supple. Moisturizers with vitamin E, shea butter, cocoa butter and hyaluronic acid work best. It’s also best to shower after being in the pool so no chemicals stick to your skin.
3. Steer clear of too much salt
Salt water can be good for skin, especially those with psoriasis. But it can still leave your skin feeling dry and flaky. Remember to moisturize after a day in the ocean. Vitamin E oil hydrates the skin and promotes renewal, and because it penetrates deeply into the skin, it will provide protection the next time you swim.
4. Make friends with cocoa butter
It smells like summertime and it’s also great for your skin. An ingredient in many suntan lotions and sunscreens, cocoa butter contains B vitamins and rich emollients that help protect the skin and heal sun damage. It also allows your skin’s natural glow to emerge while providing deep moisture.