Bananas: Tasty, Versatile and Really Good for You

Bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits. That may be in part due to the fact that they can be purchased year-round, come conveniently stored in a peel and they’re really good for you.
Here are just a few of the ways bananas keep you healthy:
All fruits contain carbs. Bananas, however, only contain about 27g of carbs. This makes it a great snack for those on low-carb diets or those with diabetes. If you’re worried about raising your blood sugar, try eating half a banana as a snack.
Fiber is a key nutrient for heart health, digestive health, cholesterol and more. Plus, it makes you feel full for longer. One banana gives you about 10% of the daily recommended amount of fiber.
Another important nutrient for heart health, potassium plays a part in lowering your blood pressure. It may also lower your risk of stroke, keep your bones strong and help your muscles function.
Vitamin C
Citrus fruits aren’t the only fruits that have vitamin C—bananas have it, too. Vitamin C improves your immune system and may help protect you from getting sick.
Creative ways to eat bananas
Bananas can also enhance your cooking with added nutrition and flavors. Their natural sweetness and soft texture make them easy to add to your favorite foods. Try:
- Adding banana slices to oatmeal
- Blending bananas and other fruit into a smoothie
- Making banana bread with overripe bananas
- Freezing bananas to make non-dairy ice cream
- Using overripe bananas as a sugar substitute when baking
- Making yogurt more filling by adding banana slices
If you’re looking for other easy ways to add nutrition to your diet, you can get nutritional counseling through telehealth services. Plus, as an FEP member, you pay nothing for nutritional counseling provided by Teladoc® or a Preferred provider.