The Health Benefits of Cooking Together

With all the apps out there, ordering takeout and delivery is easier and more convenient than ever. But sometimes opting for convenience means missing out on other important things like connection, quality time and healthy ingredients.
Spending some time in the kitchen, either with your family or virtually with those far away, can have a lot of health benefits. Cooking together can offer an opportunity to reconnect with your loved ones. The American Psychological Association even says that trying new things together—like learning a new recipe—can help keep you connected and engaged in your relationships.
Cooking together can help keep you physically healthy, too. Studies suggest that people who cook more often, as opposed to ordering take out, have an overall healthier diet. Restaurant meals typically contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, total fat and overall calories than home-cooked meals. Working with fresh ingredients that you put together yourself keeps you in control of your health.
Got kids at home? Cooking with them is a great way to teach them healthy habits, build self-confidence and spend some quality time together. Start with some easy dishes like breads, muffins, pasta and sandwiches because kids are more likely to try making these dishes again. Then slowly work your way up to more complicated recipes. Here are some beginner level recipes you can get started with:
Perfect Pita Pizza – yields one serving at 256 calories
Garden Stuffed Potatoes – yields four servings at 205 calories per serving
Quick Bruschetta – yields four servings at 146 calories per serving
Egg Mock-Muffin Sandwich – yields two sandwiches at 283 calories per sandwich
If you’re trying to set some health goals or just eat better together, connect with a nutritionist via our telehealth services.