What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

You may know what normal body temperature ranges are and you may know what normal blood pressure ranges are, but what about your blood sugar? Some people, like those with diabetes, need to self-monitor their blood sugar throughout the day to maintain their health. Doctors also use blood sugar ranges to help create treatment plans, monitor their patients or set specific goals for them. For those without diabetes, blood sugar ranges and ideal recommendations look a bit different.
It’s also important to note that ideal blood sugar levels for individuals depend on a few factors. The time of day you perform blood sugar monitoring and meal times can impact your numbers. The chart below shows what normal ranges are for both people with diabetes and without. It also shows how the numbers vary throughout the day.
Time of check for diabetes |
Target blood sugar levels for people without diabetes |
Target blood sugar levels for people with diabetes |
Before meals | less than 100 mg/dl | 80–130 mg/dl
1–2 hours after the start of a meal | less than 140 mg/dl
less than 180 mg/dl |
Over a 3-month period, which an A1c test can measure | less than 5.7% |
less than 7% less than 180 mg/dl |
The A1c test helps measure average blood sugar over a certain amount of time beyond just your day-to-day monitoring. Doctors can use these ranges and charts as a jumping off guide, but will also create an individualized plan for blood sugar management based on your needs.
These ranges allow for differences between individuals and other extenuating factors. Falling outside the normal ranges with very low or very high numbers can cause alarm. As long as blood sugar levels are not critically dangerous, you can get them back to normal a few different ways:
- Limit carbohydrate intake without fasting.
- Increase water intake to maintain hydration and dilute excess blood sugar.
- Engage in physical activity, such as a post-meal walk.
- Eat more fiber.
These methods are not intended to replace medical treatment. If your blood sugar readings are not within your normal range or your expected targets, talk to your doctor.
Telehealth services are here for you if you want to speak to a provider.
For additional support, members can join the Diabetes Management Incentive Program to gain more resources and tools. Visit the Diabetes Overview page for additional resources.