8 Tips To Save You Money While Eating Healthier

Eating healthy is a great way to sustain your well-being and keep your body strong. However, many people may feel like a better diet isn’t worth the price. In truth, eating healthy can actually save you money. Many less nutritional foods can end up being much more expensive than those with whole ingredients. There are several ways to make eating healthier less costly and even cheaper than a less-nutritious diet. Here are eight tips to get you on the right track:
1. Purchase seasonal produce
In-season produce is harvested at peak ripeness and does not have to be transported a great distance. As a result, these foods end up being both fresher and less expensive.
2. Try generic instead of name-brand
Instead of buying name-brand foods, swap for cheaper generic brands. These brands usually have the same safety, quality and nutritional value as name-brands but cost much less.
3. Cook at home more
Cooking at home is much cheaper than dining out or buying ready-made foods. Not only do you have full control over your ingredients, but you also don’t have to worry about tips, delivery fees and other added costs that come with ordering out.
4. Eat more plant-based protein
Plant-based proteins, such as beans, tofu and lentils, contain a lot of nutritional value and tend to be less expensive than animal proteins. Swapping out beef for beans a few times a week can save you a lot of money in the long run.
5. Keep an eye out for deals
Before going grocery shopping, make sure to check for any coupons for foods you plan on purchasing. At the store, try buying items that are on sale to also save some extra money.
6. Stock up on frozen fruits and veggies
Frozen fruits and vegetables have the same nutritional value as fresh produce but have a much longer shelf life. Try frozen alternatives to waste less food and save more money in the long run.
7. Store your food properly
Proper storage can greatly extend the shelf life of the food you purchase, allowing you to waste less and save more. Store dairy products in the main part of the fridge, and make sure to freeze raw meat and poultry if it is not going to be used right away.
8. Eat those leftovers
Rather than buying lunch, pack your leftovers to eat instead. This will save you time and money. Plan ahead by doubling your recipe when cooking so there is enough food left for the next few days.
If you are looking to create a healthier diet on a budget, use our telehealth services to meet with a nutritional counselor who can help you develop a personalized plan.