2022 Plan Rates and Benefits: Service Benefit Plan

With Open Season for federal employees running November 8 through December 13, 2021, now’s the time to learn about some of the changes and updates we’re making to our three benefit plans next year.
Here’s what’s new for 2022:
Replacement member ID cards
- All current Service Benefit Plan contract holders will receive replacement member ID cards in the mail in the first few months of 2022. These member ID cards will include a few benefit details and updated contact information. If you have the fepblue app or a MyBlue account, you can get early access to the digital version of your updated member ID card in the fall of 2021.
Health and wellness updates
- Blue365® Discount Program now includes new and exciting discounts, including a new travel insurance benefit, GeoBlue.
- We will cover group counseling (in addition to individual) used for the prevention or reduction of health risks, such as group nutritional counseling.
Medical benefit updates
- We increased the out-of-pocket maximum for all three plans. The individual out-of-pocket maximum will increase by $1,000 and the family (Self + 1 and Self & Family) out-of-pocket maximum will increase by $2,000 for each plan.
- EKGs will be covered under your regular medical benefits instead of your preventive benefits.
Pharmacy changes
- We will cover tubeless insulin pumps under your pharmacy benefit. Standard and Basic Option members will pay either a Tier 2 or 3 copay; FEP Blue Focus members will pay a Tier 2 copay. Previously, these were only covered under your durable medical equipment benefit.
- The Specialty Pharmacy Program will be administered by CVS Caremark. Previously it was administered by AllianceRx Walgreens Prime.
- For Basic Option members, we increased the specialty drug (Tier 4 and 5) copays for drugs you purchase through the Retail Pharmacy Program. The copays match what you would pay through the Specialty Pharmacy Program.
- For FEP Blue Focus members, Walgreens and Duane Reade Pharmacies will no longer be in-network retail pharmacies. You must use in-network pharmacies to use your pharmacy benefit.
- We’re expanding the list of non-covered drugs under all three plans.
Kidney transplants
- For Standard and Basic Option members, kidney transplants are being added to Blue Distinction Center transplant programs.
Pregnancy care
- For our pregnant Standard and Basic Option members, we’re updating the items included in the Pregnancy Care Box that’s part of our Pregnancy Care Incentive Program.
- We’re expanding the selection of free breast pumps available for members of all three plans who are pregnant or nursing. Each breast pump will come with a selection of milk storage bags.
Dental care
- Basic Option members will pay $30 for dental evaluations, and then 30% of our allowance for all other dental care resulting from an accidental injury. Previously you paid $30 for all covered accidental injury dental services.
Please note that this is a summary of changes to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan in 2022. This is not an official statement of benefits. Please refer to the brochures to see a full list of benefit changes.
Bi-weekly | Monthly |
Self Only (104) | $127.47 |
$276.19 |
Self + 1 (106) | $289.61 |
$627.49 |
Self & Family (105) | $314.11 |
$680.57 |
Bi-weekly | Monthly |
Self Only (111) | $80.18 |
$173.73 |
Self + 1 (113) | $196.13 |
$424.95 |
Self & Family (112) | $212.29 |
$459.96 |
Bi-weekly | Monthly |
Self Only (131) | $53.14 | $115.15 |
Self + 1 (133) | $114.25 |
$247.55 |
Self & Family (132) | $125.67 |
$272.29 |
If you have questions about our benefit plans, call the National Information Center weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET at 1-800-411-BLUE (2583). For customer service-related questions, please call your local customer service number found here or on the back of your member ID card.
These rates do not apply to all enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, contact the agency or Tribal employer that manages your health benefits enrollment.
This is a summary of the features of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan. Before making a final decision, please read the Plan’s Federal brochures (Standard Option and Basic Option: RI 71-005; FEP Blue Focus: 71-017). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochures.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies.
The Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® words and symbols, Federal Employee Program® and FEP® are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.